Pre-workout is a great tool for anyone looking to have that extra drive in the gym. Everyone has experience fatigue before, especially during those tough morning workouts. Anyone who has taken pre-workout before knows that it can give you a little something extra when you need it the most. It has tons of benefits, but one thing a lot of people cannot decide, is if it causes weight gain.
So, what’s the truth?
Like most things, well, it depends. In short, in can be a contributor to weight-gain, but it isn’t necessarily the main reason the number on the scale keeps going up.
The question does pre-workout cause weight gain is a very important question to ask. For people looking to shed pounds in the gym, weight gain is the exact opposite goal they are reaching for. But without a definitive answer to the question, it is hard for inexperienced gym-goers to know what the right thing to do is!
This article will help those people understand what pre-workout does to the body, so that they can make an educated decision on whether or not to take it.
What is in Pre-workout?
You should always know what is in any supplement you are taking. Pre-workout is no exception. Different pre-workouts contain different ingredients. It is important that you know what is in yours and what those ingredients will do to your body.
Despite the idea that pre-workout makes you gain weight, caffeine actually helps you lose weight. It helps increase how much energy your body can burn. Almost all pre-workouts contain caffeine, and it is very helpful not only to give you energy to preform, but also help aid in losing weight.
Just like caffeine, creatine is found in virtually every pre-workout. Why? Because it is a powerful supplement that has been proven to
- Lessen the amount of muscle damage and soreness
- Improves anaerobic endurance
- Increases strength and can build muscle.
So, it’s the perfect ingredient, right? Well, it depends what your goals are. Creatine will give “gains” as most weight lifters call it. Which is fantastic, if that is what you are looking to do. However, for those that are trying to lose weight, it can result in counterproductive results.
Taking Pre-Workout When Trying to Lose Weight
Since creatine can cause weight gain, does that mean someone trying to lose weight cannot take pre-workout? No, not at all! While creatine does make it easier to gain weight, it doesn’t mean that someone can’t continue to lose weight while using a product that contains it. There are a few things you can do to make sure you can still get that boost from pre-workout, while losing the weight you want!
1. Find a Pre-Workout without Creatine
This might be the simplest way of ensuring that you can take pre-workout without gaining weight. There are hundreds, if not thousands of different pre-workouts. All you have to do is read the label before you buy it, to make sure what you are buying has the ingredients you desire. (Check our this list for best pre-workout without creatine)
2. Carefully Monitor Your Supplements and the Effects They Have on You
Maybe you are in love with a pre-workout you are already taking. But, it has creatine in it. That might be ok! Everyone’s body is different. You just need to pay close attention to your results while taking the supplements you use. If what you are doing is giving you results you like, there is no reason to stop! If you are realizing that you are not losing (or even gaining) weight, then you might want to make a change in pre-workout.
3. Counting Calories
This might be the MOST important tip of all. No matter what pre-workout you take, you can avoid gaining weight by simply monitoring your calorie intake. There are many tools out there that can tell you how many calories you need each day based on your age, gender, weight, and activity level. If your goal is to stay at your current weight, just try to get that calorie amount every day. If your goal is to lose weight, you must create a calorie deficiency, which means ending the day with less than your calorie amount. No matter what pre-workout you take, doing this will ensure you won’t gain any weight that you don’t want to.
Final Thoughts
So, at the end of the day, does pre-workout make you gain weight? The answer is no. While it may be a factor in your weight gains, there are many things you can do to prevent it from happening, all while still getting to take your favorite pre-workout. As long as you follow these tips, you can continue to get the jolt you need from that morning pre-workout, without gaining the weight you don’t want.