Superfoods come in many forms – with a wide variety of plant foods falling into this category of nutrient-dense, dietary powerhouses. We’ve already discussed the best green superfood powder at length – the most popular kind of superfood powder on the market.
Today, however, we’re going to go the opposite direction and discuss the red superfood powders on the market. They’re not filled with primary ingredients like broccoli and kale, but they provide their own unique benefits and cover some areas that green superfoods miss.
In this article, you can expect a discussion of superfood powders, why red might be perfect for you, and a review of some of the most important and beneficial products on the market. This should provide guidance and information to help you navigate the red superfood powder market.
By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of what to look for, what to avoid, and how to make the most of your hard-earned cash.
What’s the Difference Between Red and Green Superfood Powders?
Other than the color, the important change is what goes into them.
After all, if you’re getting a totally different color, it’s reasonable to assume that it’s coming from a different set of plants. You don’t get much red broccoli, and this change in ingredients means a total overhaul to the main focus of the product.
A red superfood will forego some of the more popular greens found in a superfood powder but provides competing benefits and a completely new nutritional profile. This means that the red powder may be a better fit depending on your own dietary needs and existing intake.
There’s also no reason you can’t take the two together. They provide complementary benefits in a number of ways, so it’s worth considering. Just remember that it’s not necessarily an either-or situation, and that these products may overlap, but they work beautifully as a pair!
Picking the Best Red Superfood Powder
With the new ingredients found in a red superfood powder, you’re going to be looking for different things. You can’t rely on the same information we provided in the green superfood powder article, since those are specific to the greens.
We’re going to outline the most important compounds and ingredients you should be looking for when it comes to red superfoods, so you can get a better idea of what makes a good red superfood powder.
✓ Nitrates
Nitrates come from foods like beets and other deep red plant foods. They’re a key part of the way that your body supplies blood and nutrients to muscles – reducing fatigue and improving workout performance. These are great for overall wellbeing, circulation, and maintaining the health of your heart and muscles.
✓ Antioxidants
Antioxidants are common to red superfood powders and their green counterparts. The difference here is that we’re going to be focusing on carotenes: the compounds in carrots and plums that provide a red-ish hue. These are closely associated with skin, hair, and eye health – as well as the general benefits of antioxidants such as preventing the worst of aging, cell damage, and reducing cancer risk.
These also come from some secondary ingredients like green tea extract and others. These are potent in their own right and – even though they’re not technically red – you’ll find them in these products.
✓ Herbal Extracts
Herbal extracts are hit and miss. Some of them are amazing – such as turmeric and ginger – while others are mostly just marketing hype. These are going to be important if you get some of the great ones in your red superfood powder, where they can boost the potency and effectiveness.
✓ Vitamins & Minerals
Vitamins and minerals can’t be left out. They’re some of the most important reasons to consume any superfood powder and form a cornerstone of your overall dietary quality. A good superfood powder won’t just be packed with antioxidants but will provide a well-documented vitamin intake without hiding behind proprietary blends!
✓ Secondary Ingredients
Secondary ingredients are widely varied in these kinds of products since they contain so many different compounds and often rely on proprietary blends. However, highly-effective secondary compounds can make a big difference if they’re relevant to your health and wellbeing.
The Most Popular and Best Red Superfood Powders
We’re going to discuss some of the most popular, and some of the best, red superfood powders. These are going to be important in their own right but provide a great example of how to shop for this kind of product, and what you want to look for.
1. Feel Great 365 Superfood Reds
This is exactly what we expect from an industry-standard red superfood powder.
Feel Great 365 provides a balance of various “complexes” derived from the juice, fruit, leaf, or root of a variety of different plant products. These provide a wealth of benefits, with the main focus being on the production of a high-antioxidant product.
This will bring benefits to things like cell health, organ function, protection from cancers and other mutations, and reduced aging. These are great benefits, but they’re predictable for a read superfood powder – what is unique about Feel Great 365?
One of the things we really like is the focus on turmeric, ginger, and green tea leaf extract. These are not only anti-inflammation and anti-oxidant themselves but provide a wealth of benefits from aiding fat loss to reducing infection, fighting pain, and boosting iron absorption.
Overall, we think this product sets the standard for the red superfood powder – and we’ll use it as a good starting point for our comparisons and reviews!
- Effective combination of ingredients – both effective and varied
- Good herbal extract choices, providing secondary benefits
- Proprietary blends hide dosages, making it hard to tell what you’re actually getting
2. Ruby Reds Superfood Powder
This is a great composition with plenty of B vitamins, calcium, and zinc. These are fantastic places to start since they play into crucial processes in the body – providing essential components for energy transfer and dozens of other reactions.
With this product, you’re still going to get plenty of turmeric and ginger powder, but with the addition of some interesting secondary ingredients. Soy lecithin is great for mental health and mood regulation, while the probiotic blend has some modest benefits.
Overall, this seems to be a slightly better-considered product than the Feel Great 365 – though they are very close. This product is also significantly cheaper, which makes it an out-and-out winner so far!
- Great vitamin profile with plenty of trace minerals and electrolytes
- Effective mineral choices and mild brain health support
- Great price-point, despite being full of fantastic ingredients
- None to speak of – a well-rounded product
3. OrganicMuscle Organic Superfood Reds
With around 7% of your daily vitamin C, the highest concentration of any micronutrient in this product, we’re already skeptical of this product’s intended purpose.
It’s also considerably less impressive when it comes to the variety of secondary ingredients included. Sure, there are plenty of antioxidant-rich fruit extract powders, but without the benefits of turmeric or green tea extract, or a variety of others.
What we do like about this product is the high-concentration of beetroot powder. This is a great nitrogen-boosting compound that can be used in similar ways to arginine or citrulline – a great way of boosting workout performance.
However, we’d rather see more health-promoting compounds, especially since you could just use a workout supplement if you were concerned with performance.
We’d like to see more health-oriented benefits from this product since its currently a bit unclear why you’d choose OrganicMuscle over anything else we’ve reviewed!
- Likely to have a very high nitrate content, which are great for muscular health and support
- Low vitamin concentration, which is a concern for health and wellbeing
- Relatively thin variety of compounds, uncommon on this list
- Proprietary blends hide dosages, meaning we don’t know just how much you get
4. Country Farms Super Reds
This product makes a convincing start to its campaign with a few highly-concentrated compounds such as vitamins A and C, as well as Selenium.
One of the things we really dislike about this product is how literally every other ingredient is in the proprietary blend. The proprietary blend accounts for the vast majority of this product so its impossible to tell how much of what is going into your product!
This is only compounded by the fact that a number of the key herbal ingredients mentioned above are absent in this product. Even with the proprietary blend, the greatest overall benefit this product provides is the combination of a variety of antioxidant fruit and veg powders.
These are great, but this product is easily outclassed by the others on this list. It simply cannot compete when others have multiple strong benefits, and this product has dubious benefit to any one of them!
- Effective product
- Slightly more vitamin content than some others on this list
- We can’t tell what any of the doses are because this product is just one huge proprietary blend!
- Easily out-classed by Ruby Reds
5. Healthy Delights Naturals Organic Reds + Probiotics
The secondary ingredients in this product also seem to put it into strong contention for the top spot. It contains all the herbal extracts you want in a superfood powder: turmeric, ginger, Maca root, beet root, and even Matcha leaf.
This is all paired with a probiotic blend which may help with digestion but is also useful for maintaining overall digestive health – especially after a bout of illness.
The only reason this isn’t in the top spot is because it has a lower concentration of key vitamins and minerals than Ruby Reds. The additional ingredients are comparable, but the level of vitamin and mineral supplementation you’re likely to experience here is weaker.
- Great approach to vitamin intake, with fortification and essentials
- Contains most of your B vitamins, which are notoriously difficult
- Fantastic herbal extract approach, providing additional benefits
- Slightly weaker vitamin profile than Ruby Reds, , though still a great product
Superfood powders are directed at improving your health and providing as many nutritional supplements as possible to do that.
They produce a wide range of beneficial responses, but when it comes to providing the best bang for your buck – both in terms of effectiveness and value – Ruby Beds is winning. It combines all the crucial things you need from a red superfood powder, at a great price and with a sense of clarity we consider very important.
The important thing is to remember that these products are all about protection from infections, aging, cell damage and more. They should be chosen based on the best results likely and, while they’ve got a lot in common, the best products are the ones that provide the most scientifically-proven results!
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